001. Real Name: Chan Yee Lynn
002. Nickname(s):LyNn xD
003. Age: 16. HAH.
004. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio x)
005. Male or Female: feMALE.
006. Elementary: SK Sri Setia
007. Middle School: -
008. High School: SMK Perimbun
009. College School: IACT xD.
010. Hair colour: buhh laakk
011. Long or Short: if hj's 1 is not long not short, I'd consider mine long -.-
012. Loud or Quiet: LOUD.
013. Sweats or Jeans: i choose to be against stuff. SKIRT!
014. Phone or Camera: iPod
015. Health Freak: duh =x
016. Drink or Smoke: drinking water is good for health. smoke from cars is bad for the environment. LOL =)
017. Do you have a crush on someone: i do have a crush on someone, but that doesn't limit me to one person only =x xDD
018. Eat or Drink: EaT.
019. Piercings: none.
020. Tattoos: at my BUTT. lol jk ><
021. Social or Anti-Social: anti social I DUNNO LAAA
022. First Piercing: none.
023. First Relationship: my mom's placenta. I had 9 months with it. My very first nine months! awwww.
024. First Best Friend: Wong Chui Teng =)
025. First Award: Best daughter. Number of awards: 3. Number of daughters (of my dad): 3. wahooo =p
026. First Kiss: still mine =p
027. First Pet: died -.-
028. First Big Vacation: fantastic xD.
029. First Love at first sight: some hot guy in my ex school. Ahhh those were the days -.-
030. First Big Birthday: twelve!!!
049. Eating: my brains off.
050. Drink: water vapour. ha-ha not funny -.-
051. Excitement Level: 15%
052. I'm about to: watch tv
053. Listening to: A beautiful Mess - Jason Mraz
054. Plan for today: watch tv n sleep
055. Waiting for: my rocket to come. Jason Mraz debut album =p
056. Energy Level: 10% =.=
057. Thinking of someone: not really. the character on tv -.-
058.Want kids?: ...if i can give birth to an instantly 14 year old daughter, YES. If it's a BABY when it comes out, NO.
059. Want to get married?: not yet.
Which is better in the boy/girl you like
068. Lips or Eyes?: eye.
069. Romantic or Funny?: funny xD
070. Shorter or Taller?: TALL. not taller. FREAKIN TALL.
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring ^^
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: ROMANTIC.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: ARMS!! (*drool*)
074. Sensitive or Loud?: LOUD, definitely -.-
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: realtionship =D
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: trouble maker xP
Have you ever
080. Lost glasses or contacts: yep -.-.
081. Ran away from home: yep -.- std 6.
083. Killed somebody: NO -.- i'm a happy person. Happy people just DONT kill other people -.-
084. Broken someone's heart: ...yeaaa
085. Been arrested: noppppe.
087. Cried when someone died: in my world, people dont die -.-
Do you believe in
089. Yourself: WHO DOESNT??
091. Love at first sight: yeaaaaaaaaa...
092. Heaven: YES.
093. Santa Claus: NO -.-
094. Tooth Fairy: YES!!! there was once I left my teeth there, and the next day, it was still there!! I bet it was PRICELESS.
095. Kiss in the first date: no. kiss in the rain? yeah =p
097. Is there someone you would want to be with right now?: ...not really, no. no target oso -.-
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: yeahh~!! cant be anymore perfect-er xDDD
099. Do you believe in God? yep yep yep
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people: