Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.


it's seriously dam dam dam dam dam dam cute weyhhh ><
my alien is PINK!
and it's named after our Physics teacher, BimBo =x
Okay so... I have a new system to make sure my dad lets me go out whenever I want to, it's called the LyNn's pointing system.
Like, if I want to go out, it takes 20 points..
PC suspension for 10 days gains 75 points xDDDD
The list got alot can gain and deduct 1 larh, will post the "contract" soon xD

And for BB's 40th anniversary we, the Arts department -.-, is going to produce a magazine!!
Expected 70++ pages..
To those that's interested to help, pls contact me at the cbox xD

My blog will be dead if the agreement telah diluluskan, so sorry people xD
those that wants a scoop on my AWESOME life, contact me at:
if u dun have my number that means u're not enthusiastic enough to want to read my updates.
Hardy har har.

The Archuleta drive is driving me crazy xDD
not the bad crazy, the good crazy xD
I can't slee at night just thinking about the concert, the drive, how to promote it,blablabla...
I didn't do my homework for ages.
I've got a stack of "must do A.S.A.P" on the left side of the computer table,
a stack of "already due but still do it" on the right side of my study table,
a stack of "teacher wont check so do it when ure in the mood" on the left side of my study table,
a big PILE, not stack, PILE, of "God I wish I knew what they were -.-" stuff on my bed.
Yeah I have 2 beds, 1 for my stuff to sleep in the PC room and 1 for myself in the bedroom -.-

BTW FYI da archuleta thingy aint no concert dude..
It's a showcase in Pyramid..
and when I told Hema the showcase clashes with my enrolment she was like,

what? why u saying this 1 all now?
you mean you can't go?
i love you, Hema =)
So I'm gonna tell sir this:
Sir, I'm terribly sorry but I have to skip enrolment on the 11th because I have a to-die-for David Archuleta showcase to attend to. Truly the bonds of sisterhood do not, I repeat, DO NOT, allow me to skip the showcase. Thank You.

Hehe ><