Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

"She's so lovely, she's so love-a-ly, she's so love-a-ly~" x)

I like this song =D 
She's So Lovely - Scouting For Girls x)

I painted my wall yesterday! ><
Looks ok nia, so din take pic xP
Today gonna paint a different wall luu..
So here I am, blogging while waiting for the paint to dry.
Gonna draw flowers and a butterfly.
So we went paint shopping earlier in the morning, and I couldn't decide what colour to buy ><
Finally, I chose..
Yeah, red is NICE xD

This is kinda a big project thingy, so I won't leave the room till it's done;
and that decision is FINAL!
My phone is with me at all times, and I'm always online.
I'm just appearing off cuz..
well, I'm painting and I don't wanna get my keyboard 'painted'.
Y'know, my leg has yellow and black paint, my hair is sort of.. dyed?
my hand has GLUE, (God knows where THAT came from -.-)
and my fingertips has white paint =)

nice lar xD
estimated time to finish:
tomorrow night gwa 0.o
ah well. finish dy i baru take pic larh xD
kay my first coat is dried dy.
now off to paint again xD