Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

I just heard him in the radio.

Ohh, yes..
his magical voice, this time clearer than ever..
and I envy Natalie for getting to be.
in the same room.
breathing the same air.
sitting SIDE BY SIDE...
with, my awesome-est, dearest,
most angelic,
David James Archuleta.

It is him.
My dad has officially approved my going of this showcase.
I am obviously above cloud seventy two *I just made up a random number, cuz its wayyy higher than 9*...!!!! xDDDD
and yes, if you talk to me around this time,
I am definitely high-spirited and CRAZYY right now!!
Right now till Saturday!!!

And I have been sitting next to the radio just listening...
listening and waiting for the stupid stupid songs to be OVER..
just to hear a few more sentences from him.
That voice makes your knees tremble.

He sang "A little Too Not Over You" LIVE in the studio,
this time ACAPELLA..
and I thought it wouldn't be so great without the music, but...
His voice is wayyyy clearer without the music.
I just sat there in awe.
I can't stop smiling right now!!

Genuine happiness is something indescribable with words. =)

Make lemonade out of lemons.
Be thankful for everything you have in this life,
never take anything for granted,
and all the bad things will go away =)