Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

Just cleaned my room.

Feels better now =)

got that 'feel' la.
the dreamer room feel.
dam dam cozy xDD

so mid term coming soon,
and... I still didn't start studying..
gotta cover form 4 samo -.-

AHHHHH i nid sokongan moral to study T.T

Sort of into writing essays nowadays =)
Gonna send in a poem and an article for the schl mag xD
hopefully accepted, since everyone else's are so good-
I'm not sure if mine can make it -.-

But still, we'll think about that when i got the poem and article done.
cuz.. i'm in need of a pen, a paper, and a bucket full of new ideas.
I crave inspiration.

inspire me with feelings coz i have officially become

as in, only one emotion.
I'm getting sleepier..
it's almost 11 nw 0.o

still. i dun wanna sleep.

self-torcher rox to the max -.-


-ding ding ding ding!!!-

off to work =)
wismilak!! ^^

Why search for Life's treasures; when Life is a treasure on it's own?
appreciate what you have now, instead of craving for more. 
because it is only when you learn to be satisfied, that you learn the meaning of true joy.

=) my boundless flow of lightbulbs are back!! Let's go celebrate xD