Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

screw perfection.

It's so overrated.

what's the point of changing yourself just for other people to see you?
what's the point of craving for something you will never have?

The worst part of living in your own world is knowing for a fact that it doesn't exist,
that it is limitless for your imagination, but limited in your head. 
Knowing that dreams never come true, 
but you dream anyway, hoping that this time around it turned out to be different.
Hoping, that this dream might be the reason you believe.
And this dream looked so real you felt like it will never go away.
Only to be awakened by the harsh bright light of reality.
and then you realise its just a dream after all,
weeping because it never came true,
then laughing at yourself to actually believe it might.

To have lost faith in living is like losing faith in everything you believed in,
to limit your imagination,
and to soundlessly take a vow never to dream again.

Yeah, it's easy to dream but hard to get over it.

"Copycat! Ppl emo u emo!"
"sori lorh, terpengaruh marh -.-"
"I emo ppl tham me mah, now u emo i how o??"
"sori lorh. no emo liao k? =)"
LOL i dunno why this conver took place in my head. 
HAHAHAHAHA i. am. so. weird.

Screw perfection.

One of life's perks is that you can act weird whenever you felt like it,
and when you see people laughing,
knowing that you brightened thier day, 
you feel that type of happiness that just makes you laugh like a hyena ><

now THAT'S genuine =p

Be yourself.
because the friends that mind don't matter,
but the friends that matter don't mind. =)