Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

I'm not talking to you, you deceitful fan!

I'm not deceitful!! What does it mean?
Yes you are! What happened to your love for D.A?!
Oh, I still love him. I like Taylor Swift more now.
YOU SEE?! WHYY?! Her voice is so annoying.
She writes her own songs. It's so meaningful!!
Her songs are all about breakups.
Yeah, which is very very relevant to my life right now.
You don't have a boyfriend- heck, you don't even like anybody -.-
No. Name one.
I think it was relevant because I was breaking apart.. with.. D.A.
Which is why I think Taylor's songs are meaningful for my previous episode of heartbreak.

Kay that was Hema and I.

Today accounts exam, won't say I failed, cuz I think I did pretty well.
Although I had baki in the Imbangan Duga.
(It's okay if you don't get it, for nerds only *teehee*)
So then ENGLISH, sucked.

Like, I was woozy and headachy all over from the exam earlier,
and all of a sudden you have to write stuff -.-
All the calculating makes my handwriting look like crap.

I prefer typing now =)

Aite, then had lunch and here I am.

...and I have pimples.


Okay, not yay.