Okay, I officially declare myself as a NERD.
It's my first time staying up late to study, and I'm REALLY proud of it!! ^^
So the climax was actually when my dad sounded me for staying up late..
at 1am, he wants to sleep.
He saw me still awake.
So I went into my other room and lingered there for a while.
Once the snoring begins, I go back to my room.
teehee ><
Studied really really hard (I think) but it doesn't pay off.
Still no nerd dream T________T
I dreamt about J.A.M.M.I.N.G
I don't know why 0.o
And I was playing the drums.
I was kind of in a release stress mode.
Kay, next morning, woke up earlier than usual.
Yeah, I know, something is definitely wrong with me.
Anyway, just as I woke up I checked my eyebags.
NO eyebags!!! Whoooppee xDDD
Then I grabbed the bio book and injected as much information as possible into my already-full brain for Chapter 3.
Which was really depressing, because nothing from chapter 3 came out.NOTHING!!
On the way to school I was thinking about the processes in the nephron.
I'm talking nerd x)
So I reached school, read form 4.
Suddenly Angela asked me what is trypsin.
Shiattt forgot to study chapter 6.
panic panic panic.
"OK pelajar-pelajar, sila bersedia untuk meduduki peperiksaan"
Answered the exam OK-ly I guess.
Wrote 2 whole pages for one sub question -.-
Because I thought landslides and soil erosion is not endangering the ecosystem.
wts -.-
Paper 3, fell asleep!
Fell asleep on the first half an hour!
And I was dreaming.
I totally FORGOT I was in the exam hall weyh.
Then, saw the questions. 1 word floated to my head.
In that experiment we were playing with the vaseline.
I was totally blank.
Came up with an experiment which supposedly have 12 steps..
but I did only 5.
Hardy har har I'm smart xDD
Once I reached home, died on the couch.
Really died weyh.
Didn't want to wake up.
watch la xDD
went to TK's house and played Naruto.
dam malu xia, his lil bro can tewas me zz
I pronounce Biology as an IMPOSSIBLE last minute subject.
I spent around 6 hours to complete the whole form4 syllabus.
and 2 hours for form5 syllabus.
a total of 8 hours.
Including exercises and stuff- 12 hours needed.
...AND when they say
"If you study last minute you will forget the stuff"
they weren't lying.
I shall name my future daughter (or son) Orthogonal Projection.
Orthy, for short xDD