Okay my attempt to make my blog die died.
hardy har har xD
Anyways, exam time is the best time to observe how your friends behave.
Do they fidget?
What are the habits they can't throw?
What weird thing do they do when they think no one's looking??
I noticed that on almost every girl's table stands a bottle.
Be it a 'So What' bottle or the usual evian, it stands on their table.
And I ALSO notced that everytime they look at the bottle they take a sip.
haha xD
one really nice habit about felicia.. =x
she likes to hunch for 5 seconds, then sit up straight for 10 seconds.
and she does that alternately.
Wei Seng loves shaking his legs.
And he wears green striped socks every wednesday.
Bet nobody noticed THAT.
Chee Ming likes to make that *tsk tsk* sound while doing the exam -.-
TK likes to stare at feli and laugh =p
Angela, (when she thinks nobody is looking) likes to scratch the side of her mouth =x
She opens her mouth and scratches the side, the joint of her upper and lower lips =p
and a few girls will take their 5x0 calculators and look at their reflection =x
hehe x)
cuz it's got a nice reflective panel thing.
Mun Kit has a weird sitting posture 0.o
Ask anyone, he sits with his legs on the chair 0.o
Adrenaline marh xD
Okay my neck is hurting -.-
not my neck. shoulder blades.
I crave for chocolate milk.
My inner yoga master is asking me to stop.
Okay =)
Happy belated 520 to all my beloved readers, friends, SISTERS, and family =)