Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

Wowdy dow.

My fishes are all dead and my dad is..
in a condition where he stars screaming.
indirectly telling me.. I am, well, dumb.

Because, I.... 
Which is not a very dumb thing, because
I can't really save two lives here can I?

I have to save the earth, that's why I turned the modem off at night.
If I were to save the fishes, I might kill the earth.
Because then, my modem will be on the whole night.
Which is clearly impractical, because nobody is using it.

So first thing when I got new fishes,
new, inexpensive, meaning to say
less than RM2 per fish, (5 of those just passed away)
I will try to connect a power supply from somewhere.


I wish I could stay angry at some people.
I just cannot, because I keep getting distracted.

Anyway, lots and lots of stuff happening lately,
unbalanced emotions (and/or) crazy levels..
I actually talked to the Physics teacher today.
And found out she is extremely weird.
weirdly attractive. 

(ooh la la)

So there.

I am a perfectly happy soul, waiting to deliver.
Hardy har har xD