Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.


I understood why working adults are always so grumpy.
-their jobs are so stressful they just don't have the spirit to smile anymore.

I know why certain singers take drugs.
-it is never easy to cheer people up by spreading positive energy. Sometimes all it takes is a smile, but sometimes a smile is not good enough.

I realised that sometimes the only solution was not to solve, but to discard.
-not all problems can be solved through negotiation; sometimes you just have to get rid of it and move on.

I found out that it's easy to forgive, but hard to forget.
-no matter how much good deeds you did, it only takes one mistake to take it all down.

I learnt that true frinds really exists, and those that walk out on you- aren't.
-whenever you're distressed, your true friend will emerge, despite the chaos happening. They don't walk out at times when you really, really need them.

I realised that things are not always what they seem.
-people may see two people as friends, but when a problem arises, the friends are the first to accuse each other.

I understood what one misunderstanding could cause.
-when the wrong message is sent, it will lead to a more flawed message, and soon it turns into a WHOLE BIG MESS. And nobody wants to do the dirty work; so we leave it as it is, shedding tears along the way.

I learnt why we should broaden our minds and never, never judge according to our assumptions.
-assumptions lead to the wrong judgements, and the wrong judgements brings you to take the wrong actions, and the wrong actions lead to wrong arguments, and another well developed relationship is down the drain.

I found out how trouble can be doubled.
-chaos leads to panic, and panic leads to unstable emotions. Unstable emotions lead to arguments, and arguments bring further chaos.

I realised that the loudest isn't always the most rational.
-say all the vulgarities you want, wipe your anger on everybody else around you- does that make you feel better? No.

I figured you cannot improve by lectures, but by encouragements.
-you can scream your head off, or you can encourage them to be better. Take your pick.

I learnt that the pleasant end of a bad day is the lemonade you get.
-when life throws you lemons- make lemonade. When life throws you problems, turn them into lessons. The learning process heals- if you learn it the right way.

I understood the phrase "there's always a rainbow after the rain."
-despite all the madness going on in school, at the end of the day there's always someone there to offer you some ice cream. =)
-there's always friends you could count on.
-and there's always, always something to be grateful for.

If we had a camera crew that recorded what happened in class today, it would be an award winning show. We had the beginning, the rising action, the climax; two climaxes, to be precise- we had conflict, and we had a resolution.

If I was given a chance to repeat secondary school; without a doubt, I would.