Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

Tuning into : Heal the World - Michael Jackson

C.O.W : DavidArchie ^^

So~ my sandbunny turned seventeen today!!
Yeah she's not mine. Whatever =p
Sandbunny's blog cacat =x
Happy Birthday Jeans!!! Ginss!! Ginny!! GINNY CHOONG!
Hardy har har.

My quest to make a vision board failed T.T Whatever, not really into it now =p
And guess what? My dad gave me a camera 0.o
AND.. on the same day, my iPod went missing!! xDDD


So so so so... my pencilcase got stolen today.
..and I had to search for it according to instructions by the beautiful sree like a mad cow.
He was like, now walk ten steps. turn left.

I'm gonna do that to someone someday xDD

SO, it's JULY..
and.. ada banayak birthdays to celebrate!! >< >< ><

Word of the day : MANGO =x