Heyya people of the Blogger community!!
Yep, here's LyNnxD again blogging, this time about PIGSTAIL FARTSWORTHY!!
As you can see clearly on facebook, pigstail fartsworthy is indeed no ordinary pig. It's a FROG!!
In memory of him (or her), I post this post.
This frog has sacrificed itself, in the name of science. Indeed the human race claims curiosity is more important than the life of dear dear Mr. Pigstail Fartsworthy. 5 years from now, if the frogs are extinct, we shall remember that day as the day we contributed to the extinction of frogs, the day we traded a life to quench our thirst for knowledge.
Along with PaviJonas, HemDepps, Vanessa, Ginny and Teck Kien, we armed ourselves with a disection kit and cottons filled with chloroform.
The Moment of Truth
We took the liberty to abuse Mr.Fartsworthy while he was still unconscious. The first cut was practiced, as the dual blades a.k.a the scissors was struck and penetrated the moist skin. That was it. People took turns to cut the skin, which I intended to keep to make a handbag for myself (!!!) . It was impossible after the third cut, as the people took some creative liberties =.=...
Once it was skinned, its kidney shows. A kidney filled with luminous yellow spots that we believed, in the name of science, was AIDS. Yes, a new breed of FIV (Frog Immunodeficiency Virus) has attacked Mr. Fartsworthy. Bless us for ending his pain and turmoil in the midst of chronic disease. His spleen, (i.e where he stores extra blood) was almost yellow in colour, because of the spots. His fats was around the sides, it was quite an average amount of fats, so we assumed that the disease was not caused by excess intake of flies.
We reached the heart. It was cut out, but still continued beating. Beating, struggling for survival. I wish I could swe him back together again, after the sewing practice I had on the mascot, but his condition made it impossible. If I sew him back together, he would have a punctured skin, no spleen, poked kidneys and a bloated stomach. Truly I am sorry, Mr.Fartsworthy. I do appreciate the few moments we had together, which seemed like years. I long for you to come back, but knowing it was impossible, i moved on. PaviJonas dug the eye out for collection. It could have been better if I could keep the skin, at least a part of him will always dwell with us. =p The brains were protected by his hard skull, it must have been a smart frog *it graduated form Harvard Pondiversity* We cut out his limbs to avoid the interference of reaching the spine.
Our task was complete. The heart continues beating.
The Funeral
We dug out a space for him, to bury him and his parts. We didn't put a memorial for him, fearing that it will remind us of the few moments we had with him. We saluted and prayed, in respect to Mr.Fartsworthy. We will always remember you as our funnest experiment ever. =)
Okay, sad moment's over. I'm coughing like nobody's business, and my parents are blaming the sun on sparts day. Heaven-o? that was ages ago. I mean 2 days ago. Kewl.
So so so.. before the bio experiment, we had some fun =)
Physics class, since most of us dont pay attention, I was drawing on Ky's hand =p He requested gothic.. so i drew sumthin with pink and green on his elbow. Hah. Talk about gothic xD
Then Vanessa joined in and drew I *heart* frogs at my upper palm x) getting into it, I drew, on my lower palm, FROGS RULE! So when we walked out of Physics class, Vanessa and I found a relly really cool prank sign!! It says KECEMASAN. Hahahaha so we tried to stick it to KY's back, but I couldn't stop laughing so they looked through it. Then excted the boys went =p Refer to TK's blog for more info xD
so today.. JM challenged me to solve the RUbiX cube in less than 3 minutes or I'll hav to kiss him -.- DEFINITELY LARH I CAN FIN B4 3 MINS xDDDD
So then now, with a mild headache and literally *coughing my lungs out*, I'm trying to heal myself A.S.A.P so that my dad will let me go BB tomorrow *sobs*
So then there you go. I have pics, but please ask them from me if u rly want it yea?
Ciao for now xD