Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

Whoo hoo I sounded really manly in school today xDD

....and when I sing, I sound EXACTLY like La Carlotta xP

Today got test.. the whole week larh. 
I studied chem so hard.. turns out I cant answer -.- theanswer was provided at the bottom of the page, swt -.-

How I started the paper? I started half an hour after the exam began -.- coz I was so sleepy -.-
so the words were sort of like whirling-ish. After that got calculation question.

I saw that type of question like, a zillion times -.-  and i STILL couldn't answer!! I keep getting 4k moles -.- 

Turns out tht I went to multiply instead of divide -.- so finally realising my really really stupid mistake, I did 1 question and.. MASA TAMAT! fine -.-

BM lagi teruk lar. sama status : diri sama diri, duduk sama duduk -.-
supposed to be diri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah -.- 
i go write rambut sama hitam =.=

lol man ><