If you want to see the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.
Today was one of the longest schooling hours I have been in. I had a great talk with my friends, and a long discussion with Briggita. I have learnt a lot. And I am truly glad and thankful that I have friends to be there for me whenever I needed them. Always remember that true friends never let you down; and you can always, always, count on them. No matter what. I thank God that I have these friends to stick with me through hard times.
I was on the verge of breaking down today. I almost wanted to just blog about how much I hate life, and how much life was unfair to pretty faces. I started complaining and be miserable, (though nobody thought that I was really depressed, deep down) just ranting on how much life sucked. It was horrible. I did not feel any better, but I felt worse. I thought back on what I used to tell every girl I knew- Be grateful =). Stop complaining like those sad and wimpy girls that rant for the sake of attention. Because you KNOW that it makes you feel worse.
Do something that will make you feel better instead. TALK ABOUT IT with your friends, and see how they think. You will then see there is more to life than just you. And once you realised that, you wil also realise that other people are having more problems than you were. Most of you probably don't agree with me there. Still, that's just how I get over it- being grateful that your problems are not half as bad as others, and then try to solve whatever problem you were having; or try to help yourself feel better.
Find something to do- read a book, draw, take funny pictures of yourself; whatever it takes to cheer you up. Joke around with your silliest friends and talk about your wedding or something (lol). You will really feel better if you WANT to. Nobody can help you if you do not want to feel better yourself.
In life, there is always something to be grateful of.
Thank God for our family to support us, thank God for teachers to guide us, thank God for true friends that walked in.
Thank God for the lessons we learnt, the emotions we have, the tears that fell and the tinkling laughter we shared.
Thank God for life, for the blessings we received, and for all the small things in life that makes up a day.
I feel much better now.
Mr. G is always, always there. You just need faith to see Him.