Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

Another teacher had a heart-to-heart with me.

This would be the 4th. Sighhhh.

My results were terrible, but I got over it.
Now they keep reminding me about it =.=

Cik Rashidah taught me in Form 3.
And she asked me if I was depressed or stressed out, because she
"dah tak nampak muka happy-go-lucky kamu tu lah, lynn.."
..I didn't know what to tell her. Because I was 100% confused.
Then she said, "kamu tak payah peduli apa orang lain cakap, kamu focus pada SPM kamu tu, boleh?"
She gave the that disappointed-slash-sorry look to me.
Seriously I felt like dying weyh.
And what did she mean by apa orang lain cakap?

bluudy butterflies. The guilt gets worse, and the more the teachers try to care about me,
(or so I thought)
the more I felt obliged to repaying them, the more I feel angry at myself for dissing them.

SOMETHING is definitely wrong with me.
and I need to reload my phone A.S.A.P.
I'm suspecting Traumatic Social Disorder (TSD),
for not texting anybody since 12 days ago,
for appearing offline most of the time,
for ignoring certain posts in facebook,
for sucking at heart-to-hearts.
