Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

5 days din post.. Lols.

Lols, 5 days din post man.. so i dun rmb wht happened =.= k on friday leh, i actually wanted to stayback coz cm n hj teaching mar.. group discussion konon.. but then kah choon nt feeling well so cm hav to jaga him at the st john room.. end up al sit in st john room. Swt lor.. den aft tht me n irfan go for the the the the "chopstick titi" competition.. lols. we won!! t was kinda a draw lar.. den go jus c hu win @.@ pic n details all in hj de blog lar, lazy wanna type leh.

so saturday gt st johns.. gila man kawad till xDDD k lar, i reach at abt 7.05.. "mingled" abit, den masuk baris jor.. i took attendance lor, den gt pertandingan kawad.. cm de group won f3
den after tht i went home, rush rush rush to polish, eat n pack.. den hj come fetch me to Bb lor.. den bb i was late for band class elhs T________T.. hui min de reed spoil jors, so i boro anita de lor ><. den for singspiration, so stiff -.- after tht bible class unc bak wah din come, so we jz keng gai wit sir max xD. after tht drill 1 hr plu.. tht time i so blur jor @.@den always kena scold by tht zj n ric.. cham lor. den sft tht anson pulak wan me shout the kjg cheer.. crazy ar = = so i jz said i not well lor.. Like duh; st john kawad 5hrs BB kawad 1 hr + sumore.. u don die i die lor. k den after tht i went home.. slept at 9pm>? den woke up at 2.. Lols. so i watched 27 dresses xDDDD

sunday lu.. go chg, go church, usuall stuff lar.. den hav to go giant.. sheesh i hate grocery shopping.. my mum bought yogurt drink!! =D den went home, studied for chem... den online lor.. online i lost my temper with hj n tk.. coz they so smart, i apa pun tak tau when we asking chem q.. haiz, shuan lar, noob jiu shi noob de-mopu dak gau jors. haha.. den i went to slp at abt 12? sthg lidat lar.

k today wht i did ar?
gt chem n bm exam leh.. for the 200-250 words essay i think i wrote 3oo+.. so i dun dare write bilangan pp lor.. den for the 350 words essay which i thought was impossible to finish cuz its bm i wrote 43x words. geng leh... i oso cnt beliv it xD but coz its the semangat kejiranan mah, alot isi leh... at 1st i dam blank de.. den i rmbered i forgot to pray =p so i prayed lor.. aft tht all the ideas like rushing... Thank You Lord!! So before the chem exam i prayed too :D chem i think all can do lar.. jz the equations and the stupid plant thing i dono.. crazy man the equations. k lor so thts all for today.. exam time boring de lar, nthg funny happen today oso.. besides the incident today morning where pradheed shouted "HI LYNN!!" with a super high pitched tone when i was walking up the stairs.. perculiarly weird.