Whoo Hoo I'm back in BLACK!!
Yeah, I was actually scheduled to come back tomorrow but POOF! Here I am back home one day ahead of schedule =p
So what happened while LyNn the BLOGGER was away? Huh huh huh???
So... *follow the tune of 'On The First Day of Christmas*
...On the 2nd day of CNY I dont know what to say~
Okay so the song didn't work -.-
So I spent the whole "chor yi" (I wasn't aware of the date, CNY MARH!! Follow traditional calendar =p)
hanging out in my grannie's house playing singing with my 12-year old cousin.
Gambled oso larh, tee hee. Capital: 1 Winning: 11
Haha but blackjack and the 3 cards thing was the only ones I know how to play.
Then I finished a total of 2 450-paged books in a day!! That's a record. Yep, I was that bored.
So I finished Sophie Kinsella's 'Remember Me?' and Cecelia Ahern's 'If You Could See Me Now'...
The 3rd day- one of the funnest-slash-funniest days of my CNY days! Whoopee I spent the whole 3rd and 4th days with my friends!! And my parents was socialising with their parents. Freaky, but HEY that's a start =p
So we went BANANA-BOATING...
The whole experience was PHENOMENAL.
So we 'boarded' the boat and WUIISHHH let the fun begin!! We were riding and sceaming like a pack of HOOLIGANS and suddenly someone was like,"Eh lynn, let go, dropping dy"
Yeah the thing was, I had a life jacket.
Another thing was, I DID know how to swim.
I panicked and looked bad. And incredibly cute... Cuz they were like saying~ *Let's not get out of the main point here shall we?*
Then that FELLA MACHA GUY dropped us in the middle of that sea. Note that in beaches there's a big red ugly sign that says *DANGER ZONE. STAY OUT*
He dropped us there la. He HAD to drop us there la.
Then I was like, imgonnadie imogonnadie then Meizhi was like, LyNn it's part of the package.Tip when banana-boating- pay attention to the package part.
Oh fine. SHEESH.
Apparently we had to climb back to the banana boat and ride back to the other part of the beach... I was shouting the whole time =D Then we were reaching the umbrella thing where they were selling the package I realised it was finally going to be over... My mind drifted. Then WUISHHH I fell. Again.
It's also part of the stupid package to drop us off like that.
Hardy har har. Then we played sea volleyball because we figured it was more enticing... It didn't work. We ended up playing sea serve. We only knew how to serve. HAH.
Then we went back to the apartment and had dinner... *Yummy*
Note: When your parents meet your friends' parents the main thing they talk about is "Wat to cook for dinner ah??"
And there goes the conversation starter. Haha.
We must exercise after dinner to maintain good health. The exercise must not be too vigorous nor too light. A very good example of after-meal exercises are... *PICTURE AND VIDEO TAKING*!!! So we had a warming up session by taking pictures around the hotel-slash-residential apartment lobby though there were not much to take. Then... to the beach!! Late night beach walking is CReEpY. We saw cows emerging from the waters. Crap.
So we went back up *tee hee* then we took videos of our shadows! We were dancing under the lamp post for 'A Night to Remember' and I was playing the male role =p but nobody can c wad, we took vids of shadows nia.. After a lil bit of editing, it'll be available on youtube!! The amazingness of LyNn's choreography xDDD People were staring because we were dancing and twirling like stupiaks but, who cares? it's CNY!!
Then later at night we gambled again >< Felt dam guilty.. but the sins of the world are the most pleasurable things to do... *sobs* I'm disappointed in myself.
I almost won. I almost lost. Capital: RM10 Outcome: RM10
Spent and earned zero bucks for 3 hours of fun-filled time.
I woke up to an unfamiliar room the next morning.
Don't worry ye lads, I aint been drinkin' at all y'all =p
Apparently I spent the night in my friend's aparment and my parents went back without me.
They also went to malacca without me. But... Ah well =p
So morning morning at 9am we went to the beach. We were playing beach volleyball that eventually turned into beach serve... again. =p
Then went to the sea and said: "EH THE SAND SO FINE HOR?? LIKE MUD LEH ><"
So we ended up putting sand on ourselves and called it "sand-spa treatment" Hardy har har, a bunch of girls (and a guy ) that has nothing else better to do in a sunny morning on a beach =p
Then we went back to the sea to wash off the "treatment" *guffaws*
We swam and I tried to float on seawater (what a challenge -.-) and got bored of it =p
So back to the sand!! Made sandcastles that ended up as a seaturtle =p (mine only lah)
Then made sand angels which ended up as... well i dont think it can be described in words ><
Then drew our names and signatures and wishes on sand!! that was apparently the funnest part because it was the only thing that worked for me. HAH.
So then we moved to the pool!! and tried to meditate in water.. because there was this super small wading pool that only fit the four/five/six of us!! So we were all sitting that yoga pose in water and closed our eyes. So this super fat sunburnt lady was staring at us. hahaha..
So then went back because dad got sick of travelling and eating out. I got sick of eating out -.- So home we go!!
And here I am xP
Chinese New Year... What's the fuss all about?
Traditionally, Chinese New year is the time where the whole family goes to meet up in their hometown to welcome the coming of spring. The end of winter is here, and spring is taking over. The red stuff and firecrackers were meant to chase the monster that eats children away.
Now, in modern days, my peers and I agree that Chinese New Year is a time where we get loads of cold hard cash that looks hot ( because they're in red packets, for one ) and the time where no matter what time you wake up, everybody is already up before you, doing stuff. Not that we wake up late, of course.
So I woke up today morning at 7am, rolling on my bed thinking that it was silly to get up so early because everybody will still be sleeping. Big mistake. So I just rolled on my bed thinking about something that I myself don't know, up till the moment my sister came in and woke me up. Yep, I thought she was still sleeping. Anyway, so I got up, INTENDING to brush my teeth but ended up cleaning the room before that. Why? Because it looks like a garage sale that failed in my room -.- Clothes lying everywhere, paper-cut 'confetti' ( which, in this case, is desperately seeking for a dwelling place- the trashcan ) and my new clothes along with a few bags and other smaller accessories. Boy I do have a lot of stuff on my bed -.- So then after that I brushed my teeth, got my butt downstairs to get the whole family all dressed up, asking me to get back upstairs to change because we were going out. Sheesh, and I thought that today was a 'free-time' day.
My head was hurting the whole journey to Puchong, and once I reached we had a small session of service with the family members. Yeah, my whole paternal extended family are Christians. Proud =) So after that, I wanted to just laze in the AV room watching DVDs with my cousins, but instead I got dragged to cut garlic. Well, at least I knew that white thing was a garlic. I used like, half an hour to cut 1 biji of garlic. My mum did it in less than 10minutes--
HEYY FIREWORKS!!! Lol. Distraction. So my mum did it in less than 10 minutes and I was very very ashamed of myself. But then again, I was.
Then my head hurt the whole time back from Puchong to my house. Yep. My dad says it's lack of sleep. Like, dude I slept for 7 hours yesterday. Enough is enough -.- So then he was complaining and bla bla bla... Then finally, HOME SWEET HOME!!
I entered the house... to find the kitchen packed with vegetables and other food. Yep, I totally missed that in the morning, because I was rushing out. Then WUIISSHHH it hit me. Well, it's a day before Chinese New Year. I had to help out in the kitchen... or else.
So I entered the kitchen... tried my very best to help, but found myself halau-ed upstairs because... Well... HEYY BUTTERFLY!! Then I turned on the pc and sang my heart out!! xD
Then I chatted with a few people... 1 of them was asking about my dog... Haha... He was calling it anjing sayur -.-
After that I gave my sweet veggie dog a bath.. and tied PINK ribbon on its ears!!! Yeah, she was pretty annoyed with it-- the fact that the ribbon kinda tickles her ears and the fact that she looked absolutely PERFECT ( she just didn't realise it herself )... xP
Then I went back into the house, took a bath and got ready to go out!! Well, not really out. The reunion dinner is next door. Haha. Lucky me huh?? We're never late for reunion dinners ever since we shifted here!! Neat, eh?
So during the dinner I was staring at my incredibly cute niece, ALLISON SIM WENG YAN!! xD My HK sweetheart =p
She is dazzlingly hawt in a 2-month's baby way. Will upload pics of her soon, she absopolutesly LOVES me. It's my first time, you know, to get those creatures that puke and scream and cry to love me. =DD ( P.S I made 2 dogs die. I guess certain babies could just sense it, you know. But HEYY I seriously honestly didn't intend to kill the puppies... they just DIED!! )
So now here I am blogging, full in the tummy and gaining more weight by the minute!! Chinese New Year food ALWAYS rock =)
Woots people I am SOO into traditional Chinese paper cutting!! So it all started when we decided to do this thing for the special program sempena chinese new year this year... So I'm supposed to be writing the emcee notes thing, but what can I say? I'm an artist. No inspiration, nothing can be done. LOL kononnya lar -.- =p
So So So... after all these DECADES (exaggeration) I finally figured out how to cut out a chinese character!! I am telling you man, it's tough in the beginning but once you get the hang of it; WUIISSHH you get SO addicted to doing it. Hardy har har. So here's a pic of my BEST paper cutting so far =D Yep this is my masterpiece =D
dam bangga about it xDDD
Besides that... I AM SO INTO DAVID ARCHULETA!! Yes, the Hema fever has made its way to infecting me as well...
I am telling you his songs are addictive and Hema's fevers are ALWAYS contagious. =p
Well, at least, to me, of course. Haha.
So so so... wishing everybody a delightful happy chinese new year to y'all that are celebrating it out there!!
Yes people, I am indeed very proud of my masterpiece. Interested to learn please contact 999 to get to my cell phone. LOL. haha.
Wow.. I don't look upset for someone that just lost her bag.. Ah well.. life goes on... (although my dad is still not over it -.-)
So today went to counseling room for the relationship test.. So it kinda tests what type of girlfriend I am..
So here's the results.. I'm.. Ke... something -.-
It kinda means I like to control my partner -.-
And I get jealous easily, but my partner usually loves me too much to let go of me so he kinda yields to everything I say to make me happy =D
If only I found someone like that -.-
Moving on.. so I was wandering in school after schooling hours playing chess with random strangers -.-
got scolded cuz I dont know the rules.. hahaha
not scolded larh, just people think I'm weird because I dont know the rules.
Dude, it's a chess club meet. who DOESN'T look weird there.
Then went to mamak for that meeting -.-
The storyline was kinda nice and lame I guess..
Had ice cream for lunch xDDD dad gonna kill me if he finds out xPPPPP
Then once I reached home they asked about the bag. Sighhh I hate it laarrr..
Ah well. Can't let it ruin my mood.
Moodless better than moody right -.-
Omg y laa they hate me so much -.-
Now my phone my hse keys and IC- the whole WALLET gone -.-
Not to mention my really nice and ironic pink bag along with the nice furry white thing.
Whoever that took it arr... seriously weyh take money enuf larr for wat wan my IC n ID card?
Wanna put in altar n pray to it izit???
Sheesh man so GRHHHHHH annoying larh these type of ppl -.=
they got no damn life izit???
Go get a life man, rather than ruining other ppl's 1.. -.-
just when i was SO DAM HAPPY cuz I talked to cullenist today, on the same day my phone must be gone larh -.-
Annoying u noe?!?
Damn man, I got dak zui hu o??? HUH??
and my WALLET T.T
just oni chg for LESS THAN A WEEK and someone stole it -.-
hopefully can find it in school tomorrow, hopefully its just some prank --
But if it is my phone wouldnt be off --
I have no idea why its off -.-
tht fella ar i tell u --
We officially spoke to the cullenist guy today!!! WHOO HOO!!!!
So outside the staircase part of the building, we were all PSYCHED to talk to him.. xDDD Vanessa and Briggita backed out.. Ginny was being the "oh-why-do-u-care" character... I almost backed out, cuz i was so scared!! ><
Kay then in the end me, hema, pavies and ginny were waiting there... for him... then suddenly....
nawh, just kidding xP
So he walked down from the stairs and we were all STUNNED. Pavi was like, "he's there!" and the next second everyone was just staring at him walk away.. hahaha
Then suddenly, *snap* we got into our senses... So we started chasing him, trying to look oblivious but it was so dam obvious we were chasing him 'cuz we were all giggling and o-m-g-ing..
Then Hema got sick of it and said, Ginny call his sidekick!!
P.S: He's got a not-cute guy as his 'best friend' which we call - the sidekick -
So Ginny called larh.. ZHI JIAN!! Then I was like, his name is Zi Yang lar.. -.-
Then we were arguing over what's his sidekick's name until HEMA walked right up to CULLENISM and called his name!!
He ignored.
He turned *heart thumps at my ears*
*Hema takes out Briggita's phone with Edward Cullen's pic in it*
Hema: Hi. Do you speak english?
LyNn : Doof don't be so mean!!
Cullen : Yes...?
Hema : You know we've been stalking you right??
LyNn : (monolog dalaman) I dont think he knows what stalking means. Ah well.
Cullen : HUH???
Hema : *shoves out phone* YOU LOOK LIKE THIS GUY.
Pavi : -gasp- I can't believe it!!!! *&^@#^%!$@%^#$@#&*@^#$) (inaudible language)
Cullen : *smiles* Oh.. So you want my number?
LyNn : WT*&^&*^$@#)&*$@#$^)*&^^%&^)&^ (no audible language) NO!!! We're not that desperate, sheesh -.-
Cullen : Oh... then?
Hema : No larh, just wanted you to know..
Cullen : Oh.. thanks. bla bla bla
LyNn and Pavi walks off to the school gate. WHOOPEEE!!!!!! *freaks out*, *says goodbye*
Treat others the way they treat me..
If they treat me good... mai treat them good lorh..
If they treat me bad... ignore them gwa...
I soooo wanna speak to my sleepover buddies...
seems like most of them gt too much to think about...
Feel so left out in things..
Feeling what I should not feel to the WRONG person =.=
So I love angela.. haha..
She was like, listening to me sing the whole maths time..
I sang soo many songs weyh! now my sore throat is back -.-
like, breathe oso pain ><
Then maths teacher lectured when she entered cuz it was too noisy...
LOL I was nervous xD
Then went for latihan rumah sukan.. ran 200m and got 1st!! xDDD
Too bad tak cukup masa =p
After running felt like.. blackout.
haha.. hea hurts like shyt man.. bt nvm larh, fun oso..
van n hem felt the same thing xDDDD
we're all partners in dizzy-ing..
Then bugged sir zafran to giv marks for koko xP
Now here I am blogging... =D
Wanna talk n spill stuff to people larh.
hahaha cm was forcing me to spill today..
turned out I shouted "IM IN LOVE WITH ANSON" multiple times
too y'all that heard out there, it aint true aite -.-
just hope cm dun c tis lar LOL
yes, I am THIS bored.
guess what irludm means xD
I - I
R - Really...
L - Love..
U - U..
M - MAN!!!
haha.. hanjon's version on irludm... Didint mean to make fun of the ori 1 btw, dun get offended ><
So bored!! Suddenly phone no credit, how inconvenient -.- Have to wait till monday to top up... T.T
Happy birthday Jason Thow my dear son!!!! xDDD
Remember that ur mom LOVES u aite...
Dai gor zai luu... sang seng abit arh!!
So sorry I cant make it to your party..
*coughs* I'm sick x.X
Congratulations on the confirmation Flee my dear 1st husband!! xDDDD
remember that although I have *counts* 11 husbands, I still love you MORE. haha.
So sorry I couldn't make it to your confirmation.. My dad dont let me attend catholic churches x.X
*sobs* I really wanna see you walk down the aisle with another woman, but...
LOL my husband is walking down the aisle with another woman. Haha.
Sorry I missed the youth gathering, ric..
Like I said, cya next monday xP
So so so... Here I am rotting at home, counting the seconds till.. well.. I don't know. I guess I'm just passing through the world, leaving no footprints (I have really clean shoes).. making no difference... waiting to die.. Lol. The definition of rotting probably.
I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEBODY'S LIFE!!! well, a positive one -.-
Yeah I'm crapping again.
Happy crapping lynn xDD
Just came back from seeing the doctor today... So here's the outcome- I've got EXTREMELY low blood pressure (he emphasized on the 'extreme' -.-) Mine is like, 86/66.. average person 120/70.. Freakin cool. That's why everytime i climb the stairs will fel woozy. Damn, i thought that was normal -.-
Okay 'cause of my unhealthyness i got scolding from my dad -.- Sheesh i thought it was normal aite.
So because of this health crisis i'm supposed to...
- Sleep at least 8 hours per day
- Drink hot / warm drinks only, no cold drinks at all -.-
- Take zero fried food (in conjunction with my sore throat LOL)
- Exercise regularly =.=
- Take appropriate medication at appropriate time.. sighhhh
- No skipping or adding of meals
But I don't think I'm gonna keep this up- Staying healthy isn't even the trend now man.. Hardy har har. Teenagers usually live with sleep deprivation and zombie walking (due to overeating junk food or not eating at all -.-)
So to fully enjoy this coming cny, I shall stay healthy and sleep at 10pm everyday!! (as if -.-)
I am soooo darn in love with this song ^^
That's how you know~ xDDD
Okay I fell in love with this song's lyrics man.. It's so sweet!! I keep singing it in school and now i got sore throat, hahaha..
So here's the lyrics... it's really sweet ^^
How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
"How do I know he's mine?"
Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to lead her
To believe you love her
Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true..
How do you know he loves you?
How do you know he's yours?
Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words meant just for you, ooh~
He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!
He's your love
He's your love...
Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-ohhh!
His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know...
He's your love...
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her
That's how you know...
Yeah, it's the song from enchanted xDD
I like the happy working song too xP bt not tht meaningful larh the lyrics =x
That's how you know...
He's your love...
People, you're in luck.
I am so freakin bored.
Explain why.
Oh, I don't know, probably because I have nothing to do??
Okay I actually have loads to do -.-
Add maths homework, maths homework and est article.
Laaa i got no mood to do larhh... WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO?!?!
I edited pictures today... and the day before... and the day before that...
Well I downloaded picasa a few days back and I just realised it's actually fun to edit pictures!! Well, maybe for the first few pictures.
Then I got bored of it, AND I ran out of pictures.
Yeah, it's that bad.
Not really a fan of camwhoring solo xP
So that brought me back to step 1.
Nothing to do.
Yes, as what my muii (Josh Ng) said, I am here.. ROTTING AWAY.
Wasting time, wasting earth's very limited resources just to keep my computer on.
Wasting money to pay the bills.
Wasting energy by sitting and fidgeting and whacking things around.
Wasting my effort by pointless blogging.
What else to waste ar?
Whatever -.-
It's just that...
You know, it's really hard to find something to do.
I wanna audi.... T_____________T
Gah I still feel like puking -.-
Feel like I can never smile again.
Okay I dont think that's really relevant at this point, but...
I STILL feel like I can never smile again.
Not that anyone cares, but -.-
I STILL cant see myself smiling again.
Im so lazy.
Y'know these are just complains, you dont really have to take in all the details and find out frm me after reading this you noe.
Cuz by the time anyone reads this, I probably won't remember. Hardy har har.
I like the pics i edited xD but its kinda boring.
SEE?? Everything I do in my life is BORING.
I'm a boring person!!
-gasps- I'm so worried =[
Great now I'm worried AND boring.
You know I just crapped a lot here. Thanks for reading my craps.
Watched twilight today...!!
Not as good as I expected, I shall rate it...3 stars.
why 3 stars? ITS AS IF THE SHOW HAS BEEN FAST-FORWARDING THE WHOLE DAMN TIME. Edward Cullen don't look as hot as I imagined, and he's not really that sweet because... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SWEET TALK AND THE FLIRTING MAN??? *inhales, exhales*
Another thing was, they talk as if they're WHISPERING. Okay call it romantic, but it's a movie. Hello? Audiences need to LISTEN. Jacob Black looked ugly. The scene at the meadow was like, what? 10 seconds? Also, 1 part which I find very very disturbing was... Bella just walked from the school to the woods to tell Edward he's a vampire. Touchy, "Say it OUT LOUD.." but hello? what brought her to the woods in the first place? It's like, out of the blues she gets freaked out with Edward, walks to the woods, Edward follow her and voila, explanation time. Err... babak tergantung, ever noticed? Gosh man... The movie so far has brought me utter disappointment...
Well, only the movie sucked. The book was worth more than 6 stars, I'd say. Stephenie Meyer really can bring anyone out there feel like anything could happen. It's a magical world out there, filled with plenty of Edward-ians or Cullenists... We just need to find time to look for them, overlooking their kecacatan-ness... Too bad, I don't believe in the existence of other cullenists =p
First day of school!!
Purposely bring PINK school bag to school... Ironic marh. Wanna do something out of he ordinary for a change. Btw I just noticed that ppl frm alfa class likes dull-coloured bags -.- Wanna be different lorh. Then assembly!! Sucks lar, last time got pengetua only 1 speech. Now no pengetua tot dun hav speech.. manatau ada 2 pulak -.- Like competition who's 1 longer nia -.- Then then then... Class distribution... Shoking-est thing happened... I wasn't happy. Anyway so I sat next to Angela... She's really nice xP Purposely chose to sit at the back of the class so can sleep larh. Did a test run- teacher toking bout sthg outside I was drawing... I didn't get caught. Loction:set. Bt not 100% sitting there larh, gonna change class places again -.- First day got homework dy... But... didn't plan on doing. Lol. And I actually took a nap today!! Shyts man. If tonight cant slp dono find hu tim -.- Hopefully tomorrow dont officially start lessons yet, I don't have any exercise books! Yep. I did zero prep for this year. My intention was to use last year's books, but... I dono where they went -.- So while I try to recover them, I will do all my work on A4 papers. Yep. And if I still couldnt find it by the end of the year, i will BIND it. Hah.
1. Name the people you tagged.
Uh huh. Nuh-uh.
2. Describe yourself in one word.
3. Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
I don't think the one I love is pick-able... *sobs*
4. Have you ever loved someone before but never had the courage to tell him/her?
Always. Gee, I hate to say it, but do girls have to make the first move?
5. How if people reject your confess face to face?
Reject? Nt gonna happen (refer question 4)
6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes before going back to heaven, IF you love someone special, what will you say to that person?
I'm back on Earth! Will you trade places with me? Please? O:) kidding. you should have seen the look on ur face!! xP
7. What will u say to a person who doesn’t want to believe u?
you mean you dont WANT to believe me?? then DONT. sheesh. =p
8. Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
I wish I could, would someone teach me? Please? *laugh-out-loud*
9. Do you have something special with you all the time?
Yes, ME. Wait- I aint no thing!! Lol. Then... nothing =D
10. Long distance love ?
Tried it, lost it (sorta)... Stuff like that happens- when he studies abroad, moves to alaska, went to heaven because he accepted your offer of trading places... Lol.Things happen.
11. Best place to cry.
At a funeral :(
12. Who do you love the most?
13. Tell us of your dream last night?
I've been dreaming?? WHOA.
14. Ever hated someone so bad?
I did, once. But regretted it, cuz haters got no life.
15. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
Han Jon can sing. Oh, dear... x)
16. The last person you had a beer with?
Youth farewell party. Charge me guilty ><
17. The last person you went to the movies with?
Sandman. LOL.
18. The last person you talked on the cell phone with?
Mum. Mother. Ma. Mummy. Mumzies.
19. The last person you hugged?
20. The last person you yelled at?
The TV!
21. In the last week have you kissed someone?
Oh, gee, this is hard. Okay I'm prepared. NO.
22. Think of the last time you were angry, why were you angry?
because it changed the channel. Blame the one with the remote.
23. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
Free pistachio ice cream in school. Seriously. xP
24. If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?
La-la land =p
25. What you hate the most?
Lies. Death. Fake-ness. Awkwardness. Things that doesn't go my way, wuishh.
26. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
The people around me. :{
27. Five facts About Me:
. I talk. ALOT.
.. I laugh. ALOUD. lol.
... I lost interest in guys. Felicia, I hate to have to break this up to you. LOL!
.... I eat. AlOT too, but it seems like fats only go to the bottom part of my body! &*$#!!
..... I'm naturally a carefree girl, but i frequently suffer frm gotta-freak-out-nw-drama-queen-the-whole-world's-crushing-down-on-you moments
28. Five things that scare me:
. Death
.. Clowns or any sort of stupid mascots
... Ghosts
.... Dark,eerie places.
..... Vanessa's siren. x.X
29. Two Songs Playing in My Head Lately:
. Ultraviolet - The Stiff Dylans (Boy if someone dedicates that song to me...)
.. Ming Tian Yi Hou - Lam Fung and Vincy Chan (I'm obsessed with it!)
30. Five Things I treasure in my life:
THINGSS?? uhh.
. Ermm, i dont really treasure any 'thing' in my life! omg, i cant think of any!! *faints*
Ok, maybe i treasure my cash.. My bed, bolster, laptop and err ipod? nahhhhh. I practically put it aside already.. and i dun like my phone since Day 1.. sooooo, i don't reallly treasure my stuffs! tsktsktsk.
Okay okay so that's the end of one (1) survey =p Time for resolutions!! Mm mm...
- Bozo shall be the word of the year.
- SPM shall have FULL PRIORITY in my life once it begins *winks*
- I will appreciate and gain a closer relationship with friends by smsing all of my friends more often.
- I will neglect my gaming and anime priorities twice a week.
- I will hand in my survival camp report.
- I will finish my survival camp report before handing it in.
- I will comply to the school rules and dresscode.
- I will complete and submit all my homework on time.
- I will not sleep in/during/through class.
- I will not copy the assignments of other classmates.
- I will bring an appropriate school bag to school.
- I will sleep before 1am on school nights.
- I will not skip any classes without permission.
- I will mourn over my failed subjects and try harder instead of cherishing and celebrating them.
And lastly,
- I will find and achieve inner peace by doing yoga!!
Lols... Note that those 'BOZOs on top will not- I repeat, will NOT be treated seriously. xP