Same Beginning, Different Ending. =)

Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today.

New Layout

To the people of the world, LYNN IS BACK!

I'm back sick, which makes a difference with the other "I-am-back"s.

So, sorry I haven't updated the blog, I left it to grow mushrooms (yet again) because I was running low on cash and the oh-so-perfect mind of mine requested me to sell mushrooms, bred off my own blog.
I was kidding.

Anyway, this post is going to be very long, so if you are in a hurry, don't bother reading this post yet-because it doesn't sound as nice when you read it in quarters. A few days back, I had an awesome dream. I was somewhere else- and that place had blue skies and large, green fields.

Please note that those fields looked really lush and DRY, unlike what our school field looks like- constantly muddy with patches of different shades of green.

Then it hit me. Why am I still here, in Malaysia? I should be outside, exploring. I would say it is sheer coincidence, or maybe (what I believe in) FATE. My parents were discussing paths for myself after the royal pain a.k.a SPM was over and done with. They were forcing me to WORK! I didn't want to earn, I wanted to spend it somewhere far away, ALONE. Then again, travelling alone doesn't sound so appealing. I want to travel with my FRIENDS! So I told them my plan (which was conjured in my head as I was speaking to them) of working in New Zealand, while travelling. I expected a big "No" for a reply- but guess what? Their eyes were SPARKLING. Suddenly they were blabbing away with the opportunities there, and the next moment, all three of us- (mum, dad and I) crammed at the couch, looking at the flights available.

We had to choose the exact flight my sister was leaving in, because for one- I don't think I can really take a flight alone. My sis is coming back on the last day of SPM, and leaving again on 1st of March. So I was supposed to get on the flight on the 1st of March, the direct flight to Auckland. The return ticket was costed at RM 3,977. When my sister purchased it, it was costed at RM 3,077. That's a nine-oh-oh difference! So then the plan was cancelled due to spending too much money on the trip alone.

So my mum was a tad bit disappointed, and she prayed. Her prayer (quoted from herself) sounded like, Lord if Lynn is destined to go there, please grant us cheaper flight tickets on that same day.

So one fine day she just clicked on the SAME DATE, SAME FLIGHT NUMBER, SAME DESTINATION- and the ticket was priced at RM 3,277.
I was... astounded. It was really unexpected, so my mum and I clicked "refresh" for around 5 times. SO we discussed with my dad, and so we went on to book it.

My really smart dad (no sarcasm there) clicked on the wrong date, i.e. 4th of March, 3 days after my sister's arrival there. Nobody realised that till- the tickets were priced at RM 2,400. Mum and I were like, WTH?! Then we saw the date- and it was a different date. But my dad bought that ticket nonetheless, because my sis would need to settle something else before I move in to her apartment.

30 minutes after that fruitful discussion on how I should be careful and blabby doo blah, the ticket was succesfully purchased!
I know it's pretty early to be doing this, as it is close to 8 months away- but bookings need to be made early for cheaper flight tickets.
(not to mention that I was supposed to repay the ticket by WORKING there)

So I'm leaving on the 4th of March, and (hopefully not) coming back on 28th of May.
Why hopefully not? Because hopefully by that time I would be able to obtain a Work Permit, thus work my way to getting a PR, thus get cheap fees to study there.

Well- I still can't believe this happened.

Back to the present, I still am sick, although the cough is subsiding. My voice is getting less sexier now, but the headache isn't getting any better. The FLU is starting to annoy me because I cannot SMELL anything, therefore consuming food is more pain than pleasure. The fever comes on and off- which is great news, because it shows that the pandemic hadn't hit me.

So I went to the doctor yesterday, (which was totally unneccessary because I felt FINE) due to the endless nags by both parties at home, i.e. mum and dad. So I have cough syrup, 2 different pills and one type of tablet. The tablet is the worst out of the rest. The cough syrup tastes terribly sweet and highly concentrated, and as if I cannot bear the taste while swallowing, I wasn't allowed to consume fluid or food till 30 minutes after I took the syrup. It's terrible, but I'm getting used to it. Great news! The pills are easy to go through- but the tablet... It's bitter. Pills are bearable because you can't really taste it, and the chances of it getting stuck at your throat decreases with practice. (lol) The tablet, because of it's taste, I prefer to put it UNDER my tongue while trying to swallow- which makes the process slower and more life-threatening.

One more thing about the medicine- two of it is supposed to cause drowsiness, but I don't suffer from the effects AT ALL. I don't feel sleepy. It's a good thing that the painkillers are working, though.

It's just the common cold but I'm making a big fuss out of it, because this is the first time I got sick this year! Yipee! This is the only time where my dad encourages me to skip school and stay home. So, I will be skipping school till next Monday. (*evil laugh*)

I hope I'll be able to go to BB though, because there's some stuff I need to settle before the anniversary.

I hope you guys liked the new skin, it gives off some kind of mood lifting air, doesn't it? Credits to RayCreations- his skins are all very nice, but there's only twelve of them. Scroll to the bottom of the blog for his link. =)